Toilet Packages
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Toilet Suite Packages
With Cass Brothers, enhancing the comfort and functionality of your bathroom is just a click away. We present an extensive range of toilet suites to meet diverse bathroom requirements. From compact wall-hung toilets to stylish back-to-wall models and classic close-coupled designs, we provide a multitude of options to cater to your unique needs.
At Cass Brothers, we source our toilet suites from leading brands such as Argent or Caroma, known for their superior craftsmanship, innovative designs, and long-lasting reliability. We believe in providing only the best for our customers, which is why we meticulously curate our toilet suite packages, guaranteeing you quality, durability, and style.
What Our Toilet Suites Package Includes
Our toilet suites comprise the necessary elements to upgrade your bathroom's functionality and style. The package typically includes a toilet pan, in-wall or regular cisterns, and a flush button or plate system seamlessly bundled together to ensure convenience and consistency in design. With our toilet package, you can effortlessly integrate superior functionality with stunning aesthetics in your bathroom. Find all the extra details to create consistent style in your bathroom, from vintage link toilet suites or black flush plates; we have everything you need.
Choosing the Right Toilet Suite: Key Considerations
When shopping for toilet suites, you must consider the size of your bathroom, the type of toilet that suits your style, and the functionality you require. Furthermore, the type of flush system, ease of cleaning, and water efficiency are also vital considerations that could affect your decision. Whether you need a low-level toilet, rimless toilet, or you want to add that extra element to your bathroom with a bidet or urinal, we'll ensure you'll find a product that aligns with all your preferences and requirements.
Why Choose Cass Brothers for Your Toilet Suites?
With over 40 years of experience, Cass Brothers has become a trusted name in Australia for all bathroom needs. Our commitment to delivering quality products, coupled with our exceptional customer service, sets us apart. When you opt for a toilet package from us, you are not just purchasing but investing in a comfortable and functional bathroom experience.
Are toilets porcelain or ceramic?
Most toilets are made from vitreous china, a type of ceramic that's known for its durability and glossy finish. Vitreous china is a ceramic material that has been glazed with enamel for added durability and to create a shiny finish that is easy to clean.
Do toilets come in different heights or sizes?
Yes, toilets do come in different sizes and heights. Standard toilets are usually around 35-38 cm from the floor to the seat, while "comfort height" toilets are closer to 43-48 cm, similar to chair height for better accessibility. The size of the toilet tank and bowl can also vary, so it's essential to consider the available space in your bathroom.
What are the different types of toilets?
There are several types of toilets, including wall-hung, back-to-wall, and close-coupled designs. Wall-hung toilets are mounted on the wall, freeing up floor space and making cleaning easier. Back-to-wall toilets have the cistern hidden in the wall for a sleek, modern look. Close-coupled toilets have the cistern attached directly to the toilet bowl and are common in traditional bathroom designs.
Which toilet shape should I choose?
The shape of your toilet depends on your comfort and the space available. Typically, elongated toilets provide more seating space and are often seen as more comfortable, while round toilets take up less space, making them a good choice for small bathrooms or cloakrooms.
Do I need a plumber to install a toilet?
While it is possible to install a toilet yourself if you're handy and comfortable with DIY projects, hiring a professional plumber is usually recommended. This is because incorrect installation can lead to leaks or improper function. A plumber will have the necessary tools and experience to ensure your toilet is installed correctly and functioning as it should be. Remember to always consult your product manual for specific instructions.